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Friday 8 January 2016

Sofia Mechetner : Fashion Model Profile on Web Wombat Lifestyle Sofia Mechetner
Profiled by Steve Polak
Can you be a super model at 14?
The unassuming Sofia Mechetner seems to suggestthatthisis all too easy. In a rags to riches storythatwould make Cinderella blush, Mechetner looks set to take the fashionworld by storm.
Coming from the Israeli industrialhub of Holon, justsouth of Tel Aviv, Mechetner has landed a prime job with Dior for her first professional gig.
Last year Sofia was sleeping on a mattress on the floor, as her bed had broken and her mother simply didn’thave enoughmoney to replace it.
Indeed the family were strugglingso much that even staples like Cornflakes were sometimes out of reach, as Sofia, her mother, her brother and sister tried to get by as they lived in a small one bedroom housingproject flat.
Sofia’s single mother was jugglingwork and trying her best to look after her three children, with no outside supportof any note, having separated from the children’s father in 2010.
This often meant takingseveral jobs at once with Ms Mechetner having to work as a seamstress, aged care provider, masseuse and cleaner at various times.
As such the youngmodel’s mother wasn’t home all of the time and so as the eldest, Sofia had to clean, cook and care for her siblings. Not thatshe felt thiswas unfair, or overly toughfor a girl of her age. In a recent interview on UK TV’s Channel 2 Sofia was candid abouther upbringingsaying, “it is goodenoughfor me. I am notspoiled.”
However, all of thislooks set to change, as the waif like 14 year old has been paid in one hit more than her mother (who brings in around $USD 265 weekly) would have been able to earn in two decades.
With Sofia’s first pay check, totalling $USD265,000, the youngmodel was able to completely transform the lives of her family.
The leggy 178 centimetre blond has all of the tools to make a big splashin the world of international modelling. The high cheekbones, translucentblue eyes and gamin like features were enoughto see Sofia signed up on the spot when her mother tooka chance and visited the Israeli modelling agency ‘Roberto’.
Agency founder RobertoBen Shosanwas blown away by Sofia’s striking features and told Israel’s I-24 news TV program he was compelled to sign Sofia on the spot. In the interview he said, “whenI first saw her, I knew she was one of a kind”.
What followed next was Sofia’s first aeroplane flight to Paris, as she was chaperoned by Roberto’sCEO Rotem Gur to attend an audition for a fashionphotoshoot.
Hopes were dashed as Sofia was quickly told she was too youngfor thatparticular job.
However, one bit of bad luck led to an enormous stroke of goodfortune. Sofia and Rotem decided to shake off their disappointmentregarding the photoshoot by going for a meander along Paris’ renowned Avenue de Montaigne.
The strip is well knownfor its celebrity clientèle and high fashionboutiques. In one such store Rotem was shocked to see an extremely prominent fashionidentity standingjustnear the cash register. Rotem and Sofia had by pure chance stumbled uponleading fashionlabel Dior’s head designer Raf Simons.
After a quick introductionand a candid photo together it was clear Raf was intrigued. What followed was a flurry of meetings and introductions.
After a few weeks wait Sofia was to be signed with Dior on a two year deal. This also included takingpart in the prestigiousParis Fashion Week, where Sofia made her runway debut in a semi-opaque long sheer gown.
When she found outshe was to be signed by Dior Sofia telephoned her mum and said thatshe could now quit her job and since then the girl from Holonhas become somethingof a celebrity in Israel.
There have been some who have criticised Sofia’s ascendency at such a tender age. However, part of her contract stipulatesthatshe is to be continually chaperoned. Sofia is also keen to remain groundedand is eager to finish her schoolingand never lose sight of her desire to stay humble and help her family.
Sofia says, “it is very importantfor me to continue to go to school. I'm still very youngand I know thatwherever I go, I can expect to be accompanied up until the age of 18.”
Meanwhile, the plan is to help family with a nicer flat and a few more of life’s essentials. Sofia is happy to, “puther pay check on the table” to be shared with her mother and siblings.
Her current contract requires Sofia to make a minimum of four trips a year to Paris for Dior. However, once thatis done and dustedwe think we will see more of the striking youngMechetner.

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