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Friday 31 July 2015

Protesters storm Taiwan ministry over student suicide

Protesters stormed Taiwan’s education ministry Friday after a student committed suicide, amid a deepening row over the island’s “China-centric” school curriculum.
Hundreds gathered overnight outside the compound in Taipei demanding the resignation of Education Minister Wu Se-hwa and the retraction of the curriculum changes.

Tensions rose as their demands were not met and around 200 broke down fences in the early hours of Friday using bamboo poles and street barricades.

They took over a square outside the ministry building, but were unable to get any further as the doorway was guarded by police with riot shields.
By mid-morning Friday there were still at least 200 angry protesters in the compound demanding a response from the ministry, which has so far remained silent.

Crowds first congregated around midnight to bid farewell to 20-year-old Lin Kuan-hua, who police said killed himself in his New Taipei City home Thursday morning.
Lin was one of 30 students, along with three journalists, who were arrested last week for breaking into the ministry in anger over controversial changes to the high school curriculum, which students say favour China’s view of the island’s history.

“We will not let Lin Kuan-hua die in vain!” Chu Chen, a spokesman for the student protest group, told the crowd.

Protesters burned pictures of Wu along with pieces of paper, a Chinese mourning custom.
As morning came, a hard core remained in the square — still chanting “step down minister” and “retract the curriculum”. Many had slept on blankets on the ground.

“We have been here all night, everyone is exhausted, but (the minister) did not show up this morning,” said Chang Ren-haom, 18, a high school graduate.

“If he is sincere about addressing the issue he should talk to students.”

Ministry officials said they had no immediate comment when contacted by AFP.

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