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Friday 22 May 2015

Senegalese President, Sally, becomes ECOWAS chairman

In his acceptance speech, according to the statement, Sally hailed Mahama and noted that his tenure recorded undeniable success such as the implementation of Common External Tariff, fight against Ebola and terrorismIn his acceptance speech, according to the statement, Sally hailed Mahama and noted that his tenure recorded undeniable success such as the implementation of Common External Tariff, fight against Ebola and terrorismsuccess such as the implementation of Common External Tariff, fight against Ebola and terrorismIn his acceptance speech, according to the statement, Sally hailed Mahama and noted that his tenure recorded undeniable success such as the implementation of Common External Tariff, fight against Ebola and terrorism

download (2) Senegalese President, Macky Sally, has emerged the new chairman of Economic Community of West African States.Economic Community of West African States.Economic Community of West African States.
A statement by Haruna Warkani, the Acting Director of Communication of the ECOWAS Commission, on Wednesday in Abuja said Sally was elected at the 47th session of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS on Tuesday in Ghana.
It said the new chairman of the sub-regional bloc would succeed Ghanaian President, John Mahama, who had chaired the organisation for 14 months.
It stated that after the election, the former chairman thanked his colleagues for their confidence and support during his tenure and congratulated his successor on his election.
In his acceptance speech, according to the statement, Sally hailed Mahama and noted that his tenure recorded undeniable success such as the implementation of Common External Tariff, fight against Ebola and terrorism.success such as the implementation of Common External Tariff, fight against Ebola and terrorism.success such as the implementation of Common External Tariff, fight against Ebola and terrorism.
It also stated that the new ECOWAS chairman commended Mahama for the role of the community in for the recent peaceful elections in Nigeria and Togo.
It assured that his tenure would promote credible elections in member states and ensure the implementation of the community’s projects in the’s projects in the’s projects in the region.
The statement said that ECOWAS leaders commended outgoing Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, for his role and commitment to the community, noting that the meeting was Jonathan’s last as a president.
“They particularly acknowledged his significant contributions to the deepening of integration processes in the region and his involvement in the crises in Mali and Guinea Bissau,” it added.

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