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Sunday 31 May 2015

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South Africa will launch an investigation into recruitment by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant in the country, after an Al Jazeera investigation revealed that at least 23 South Africans had joined the group, the Ministry of State Security has said.
Brian Dube, spokesperson for State Security, said on Saturday that the ministry would be looking into the findings made in an Al Jazeera investigation published on Friday that entire families had travelled to ISIL-held territory.
Dube’s comments came after David Mahlobo, minister of State Security, told South African television channel ENCA on Friday that officials were working hard to verify the information revealed by Al Jazeera.
“Those claims, we are going to investigate them because as you are aware we did have an intervention and have met with the Muslim judicial council where they raised issues that a number of South Africans visiting the Middle East, some can be lured into joining ISIL.
“But at this particular point we have noted the allegations. A team of our officials are working hard on the ground with the information to verify its veracity,” Dube said.

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