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Sunday 24 May 2015

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Rapture (2)Open link in new tab
The Guardian Nigeria|Pastor E. A Adeboye

AdeboyeAdeboyeMemory Verse: “In my Father’s House are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you… I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2-3.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:50-53.
IN the first part on this series last week, we taught about the certainty of the second coming of Christ. The issue is settled by the inerrant word of God. Just like it was at His first coming, many will be too busy buying and selling, when the event that will shape the new era catches them unawares. We looked at the how and when of this epoch event. In today’s concluding part, we will examine the reasons and the extra qualification for as well as the fallacies surrounding the Rapture. May the good Lord open our hearts and bless us with His truth, in the name of Jesus.on this series last week, we taught about the certainty of the second coming of Christ. The issue is settled by the inerrant word of God. Just like it was at His first coming, many will be too busy buying and selling, when the event that will shape the new era catches them unawares. We looked at the how and when of this epoch event. In today’s concluding part, we will examine the reasons and the extra qualification for as well as the fallacies surrounding the Rapture. May the good Lord open our hearts and bless us with His truth, in the name of Jesus.epoch event. In today’s concluding part, we will examine the reasons and the extra qualification for as well as the fallacies surrounding the Rapture. May the good Lord open our hearts and bless us with His truth, in the name of Jesus.Lord open our hearts and bless us with His truth, in the name of Jesus.
To resurrect the just from death – 1 Thess.4: 13-17; Ps.50: 1-6.
• To take out the saints before the tribulation – Lk.21: 34-36; 2 Thess.2: 7-8; 1 Thess.1: 10.
• So that Jesus Christ might present to Himself a Church without spots or wrinkles –Eph.5: 27; Jn.14: 1-3.
• For the transformation of the bodies of the saints –Phil.3: 20-21; 1 Cor.15: 21-23, 42-44, 51-58.
• To assemble the saints at the marriage supper of the Lamb – Rev.19: 1-10.
• For the revelation of the anti-Christ – 2 Thess.2: 1-8.
• To present saints to God the Father – 1 Thess.3: 13; Jude 24.
• To perfect the saints’ body, soul and spirit – 1 Jn.3: 2-3; Rom.8: 22-23.
• Those who are in Christ at His coming – Jn.1: 12; 2 Cor.5: 17.
• Those who earnestly desire His appearance – Titus 2:13; Phil.3: 20.
• Those who love the Lord supremely – Phil.3: 7-10; Jn.21: 15-17; Jn.14: 15; Mk.16: 15-18; Lk.19: 12-13.
• Those whose citizenship is in Heaven – Phil.3: 20-21; Eph.2: 19.
• Those living holy lives. – 1 Pt.1: 16; Heb.12: 14; 1 Jn.3: 1-3.
The attitude of mankind to the rapture ranges from the sceptical to those that reject it entirely. Yet no one can fully and convincingly explain where we came from, why we are here and where we will end up. Please let us be sober and watchful, keeping the unity of faith in the bond of peace – 1 Thess.5: 6, Heb.10: 25, Eph.4: 3, in the name of or Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Amensceptical to those that reject it entirely. Yet no one can fully and convincingly explain where we came from, why we are here and where we will end up. Please let us be sober and watchful, keeping the unity of faith in the bond of peace – 1 Thess.5: 6, Heb.10: 25, Eph.4: 3, in the name of or Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Amenor Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

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