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Thursday 10 September 2015

No flat needs 20 cheesegraters’: what not to take to university

Every fresher arrives at university with stuff they’ll never use. Here’s what you should leave behind.

Sorting out what to bring to university can be a bit of a nightmare; especially if your parents are anything like mine. They were so worried about my first venture into adulthood that they panic bought most of the home section of Asda – and Ikea for that matter. Trying to cram it all into my tiny bedroom made me realise that it was just as important to know what to leave behind as what to bring with you.
Here’s my list of what’s best left in storage during your first year of uni.

Forget taking everything but the kitchen sink

It’s tempting to try and replicate the well-stocked kitchen you’re used to. I remember wondering before I left how I would ever cope without a garlic crusher or a mini cheesegrater. Trust me, you will.
Don’t bring a whisk, unless you plan on doing lots of baking (honestly, a fork does the job fine) and don’t bring a set of measuring spoons, an egg cup, or kitchen scales. If you really need these things you can buy them when you get there, but I’m pretty sure you’ll be thankful you didn’t bring them.
You can probably chance it on the more standard items, as others might bring them. Thomas Armston, a politics student at the University of York, says: “No flat in halls needs 20 cheesegraters.”
On the other hand, do bring a steamer basket, a slotted spoon, and potato masher. Steaming vegetables is quick and easy, with a slotted spoon you won’t have to wash up a huge colander, and nothing mashes spuds quite like a potato masher. If you’re feeling really fancy, a George Foreman grill will make you the envy of your housemates and it’s great for all sorts of quick meals.
Unless you’re planning on entertaining – or are never going to do any washing up – you won’t need a ten-piece dinner set.
You will need a plate and a bowl. If you think you might be a bit lazy, bring two, so one is always clean, but there will be plenty of people with crockery. However, extra cutlery and baking trays can come in handy. Somehow cutlery always goes missing and after the first few burnt dinners you’ll find it’s probably safer to chuck your original baking tray away than scrape off the charcoal.

It’s wishful thinking to bring an iron

Everyone has good intentions when they first come to university, but it’s highly unlikely you’ll use your iron on a regular basis, or ever. Amy Gibbons, an English literature student from the University of York, admits she didn’t use her iron once. If you really need to iron your clothes, someone will lend you one, or ask your college porters or your landlord. If not, a hairdryer works pretty well.

Don’t bring every item of clothing you own

Honestly, university wardrobes are much smaller than you’d think. I made the classic mistake of bringing clothes for all occasions. I soon learned I’d never use my beach shorts in York. Perhaps more importantly, as Adam Stoner, who studies radio production at the University of Gloucestershire, says: “it’s pointless bringing your entire wardrobe – you won’t wash it”.

There’s no point buying all of your course books before you start

Understandably, you want to feel prepared for your course – and one way of doing this is to start reading early. Although this is a good idea, don’t go out and buy every recommended book on the list.
It is hard to tell exactly what books you’ll need before term starts and it might be the case that you can pick and choose from what interests you, or that the library has lots of extra copies for people to borrow. Either way, you will have time to buy any books you need when you get there and departments will often hold book sales where first-years can buy discounted secondhand books.
Evie Tabor, an anthropology student at Durham University, says: “Buying suggested reading before you go to university can mean you end up with a £50 book you’ll never open again. Most essential books can be picked up elsewhere for much less. I’m going into my final year of university and I’ve bought two books – the rest I got from the library or a girl in the year above.”
I also wouldn’t bother bringing a printer. Valeria Vallone, a PPE Student at the University of York, admitted that she regretted buying a printer – using the library printers ended up being much cheaper and more convenient.

You can live without some of your home luxuries

You probably won’t need a bedside lamp or all of those extra cushions. If you’re anything like me you’ll find out you know nothing about bulbs and have a lamp with a blown bulb for half a year.
Saying this, do bring a door stop and a clothes horse, you will definitely need somewhere to hang your wet clothes. Do not end up like my housemate who had his boxers hung on every available surface. If you’re really stuck for space, try a clothes peg airer as these can fit pretty much anywhere.
Tommy Allen, an English literature student at Royal Holloway, University of London, says: “The best thing I brought to uni was a doorstop. Propping your door open in freshers’ week is a great way to let your neighbours know you’re available and to start making friends.”
It is also wise to bring a few decorative bits for your room, as halls can be pretty drab. For example maybe bring a string of fairy lights or a poster or two.

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