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Tuesday 29 September 2015

Hill abduction case to be made in to a movie

Hill abduction case to be made in to a movie

Posted on Sunday, 20 September, 2015

Nobody knows what truly happened to the Hills that night in 1961.
The famous Betty and Barney Hill alien abduction case will soon be making its big screen debut.
It's one of the best known UFO and alien abduction cases in history and now the remarkable experiences of a New Hampshire couple who found themselves being taken aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft back in 1961 are to become the basis for a new movie.

The live-action adaptation will be based on the 2009 book "Captured" by Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden while the screenplay will be penned by Bryce and Jackie Zabel.

The case is certainly ripe for the big screen treatment - especially given the success of other movie adaptations of real-life paranormal events such as the hit 2013 horror film "The Conjuring".

Betty and Barney Hill had been driving home from a vacation to the Niagara Falls on the evening of September 19th when they spotted an unusual bright light in the sky and pulled over to watch it.

After resuming their journey however what had originally been a point of passing interest soon turned in to something a lot more sinister when they became convinced that the light had started to pursue their vehicle along the remote country roads.

Eventually the UFO turned and descended towards them, forcing Barney to hit the breaks to avoid a collision. When he got out of the car with his binoculars for the second time to take a closer look he was certain that he could see a number of 'humanoid figures' looking back at him from inside it.

The most intriguing part of the Hills' experience however involved an apparent period of missing time during their return trip which, when later recalled under hypnosis, allegedly saw the couple being carried aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft and subjected to an unknown medical procedure.

"Captured is a true story that explores the birth of modern UFO lore through the eyes of the first Americans to report that they were kidnapped by aliens," the movie's press release states.

"This is an exciting story that is as intriguing, timely and ripe for adaptation today as it was 54 years ago when this incident occurred. We look forward to sharing Betty and Barney Hill’s incredible encounter with audiences all around the world."

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