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Thursday 10 September 2015

Ever Wonder What A McDonald’s Hamburger Looks Like After It Sits Out For 14 Years?|BodyRock

It is not really a secret that fast food is not particularly good for you. In fact, it is horrible for you. But just when you think you've been horrified enough, something else pops up. Watch this video: How is that even possible? McDonald's PR people have suggested that it was a lack of moisture that caused the burger to 'mummify.' And although that may be a reasonable surface explanation, it isn't the whole story. Not by a long shot. What they fail to mention is the use of preservatives that keeps their food from rotting. breaks them down for you: Ammonium Sulfate: is a chemical byproduct of steel-making and synthetic fiber production. It was the most common source of lawn fertilizer nitrogen until price increases starting in 2004 reduced its availability. 
Bleached White Flour: It has been shown that alloxan is a byproduct of the flour bleaching process, the process they use to make flour look so “clean” and — well, white. No, they are technically not adding alloxan to the flour — although you will read this bit of misinformation on the Internet. But, they are doing chemical treatments to the grain that result in the formation of alloxan in the flour. Alloxan, or C4 H2O4N2, is a product of the decomposition of uric acid. It is a poison that is used to produce diabetes in healthy experimental animals (primarily rats and mice), so that researchers can then study diabetes “treatments” in the lab. Alloxan causes diabetes because it spins up enormous amounts of free radicals in pancreatic beta cells, thus destroying them. 
High Fructose Corn Syrup: contains contaminants including mercury that are not regulated or measured by the FDA. Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate: possible side effect is food intolerance. Azodicarbonamide (Banned in the EU, Singapore, and Australia): is used in the food industry as a food additive, a flour bleaching agent and improving agent. 
Azodicarbonamide actually relaxes the dough so that when it is divided in large-scale bakeries under pressure, it still retains a good character. It has been known to cause allergic reactions in those sensitive to other azo compounds, such as food dyes.
 The consumption of azodicarbonamide may also heighten an allergic reaction to other ingredients in a food. The principal use of azodicarbonamide is in the production of foamed plastics as an additive. In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive has identified azodicarbonamide as a respiratory sensitizer (a possible cause of asthma) and has determined that these products should be labeled with the words “may cause sensitization by inhalation.” Guar Gum: is banned by the FDA in large amounts due to reports of the substance swelling and obstructing the intestines and esophagus. Sorbic Acid: According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the chemical is a strong irritant and—in large enough quantities—has the potential to cause severe damage to the tissues of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
Sure makes you think twice about hitting the drive-thru on the way home, doesn't it? Is this enough to turn you off fast food forever?

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