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Monday 23 October 2017

Before My Execution - Excerpt 5

            They had all assumed that it is going to be a war against smallpox and more so to pre-empt anything diabolical about the whole thing called vaccination; only the generalissimo was fit to start with the vaccination: But a mild drama happened inside the room between Balogun and Dr. Roberts. The needle of the syringe would not penetrate Balogun’s skin and this was incomprehensible to Dr. Roberts, who had never seen anything like that before. Balogun smiled and explained that that was how sword or whatever implements of iron or any metal for that matter would not penetrate his skin or his men at war whom he has so magically fortified! Balogun now said some mumbo jumbo and asked Roberts to go ahead to administer the injection and Balogun skin became penetrable and he made some shrieking noise that made everybody outside to scamper.

            If Balogun the war General would shriek, who was the ordinary mortal that would wait? When Balogun came out he explained what happened to Kabiyesi and they both laughed it off. All those who fled, who then saw Kabiyesi and Balogun laughing, and Roberts smiling, had a change of hearts as they drew nearer to know what was going on. 
 This was an interesting engagement between the war General of Ilu-Nla, and the white smallpox magician. What Roberts thought would take him few days gave him extended period because many villages and small towns under the rule of the Olu of Ilu-Nla could not be stopped from benefiting from the Whiteman magic. Many had brought gifts to Dr. Roberts in appreciation of his free treatment and efficacy of his medicines.
            After each day’s job, the natives would gather to hear beautiful stories from those who came with Roberts. They share the same colour of skin pigment with the natives, they bore different physical characteristics, and
there were always enough stories to tell each day, which made the natives to develop some interest in visits to such noble distant places.
            Some natives had even suggested they might have to follow them to their distance town if Roberts would allow them such opportunity of seeing the world from another perspective from their own world that was bedevilled with smallpox and sundry diseases.
This idea of sending someone to follow the visitors to their country was gaining more ground in the palace.  Kabiyesi had decided to send Aremo his son to the foreign land; in order to learn the secret behind the white man curative magic.
Kabiyesi immediately sent messages to Aremo to return to Ilu-Nla from Ilu-Dun where he had gone for apprenticeship in carpentry. Kabiyesi sent message to Ojeniyi the head of Masquerade cult and all his Chiefs.
            When they were all gathered, he informed them about his discussion with Roberts and that he had decided to send Aremo for training to learn the secret of the Whiteman magic of treating diseases. All the chiefs were happy for the news and Oluwo the captain of the Osugbo guild really thanked Kabiyesi for the wise decision, but only called his attention to the fact that Ojeniyi was not supposed to be at the meeting where Kabiyesi was to apprise them about the development.
            Kabiyesi smiled and informed them that he wanted to use the occasion, equally announce to his chiefs that Aremo is taking Ojebunmi for a wife, which automatically elevated Ojeniyi to becoming a member of his family as an in-law of the palace. They all chorused that the occasion deserved wine serving with bush meat to go with it. Kabiyesi there and then informed all within hearing-shot that the marriage between Aremo and Ojebunmi will hold the next market day and preparation had commenced.
            Kabiyesi the Olu and Paramount ruler of Ilu-Nla does not talk, he orders. When Ojeniyi got home, he quickly summoned Ojebunmi and her mother to tell them about the news.
When Ojebunmi asked her father if they had any option in the situation, her father simply replied that every word from the king was nothing but an order and she should start preparing for the journey, which they scarcely knew anything about.
            By sunset, the news had spread like a wildfire and before Ojebunmi could visit Omolewa to inform her about the development, Omolewa was around visiting to confirm the news from her best friend.
            She left Ojebunmi’s place with the news also that she was marrying Aremo the next market day.
            When Aremo arrived and Kabiyesi briefed him, he could only ask Kabiyesi if he had made inquiries about the place he was sending him. Kabiyesi simply answered that, “just as nothing good will come from a bad source, since the man who came to cure them of the rampaging smallpox was from the place, then the place must offer something better.” However, he would invite Roberts’ Assistants in order to gather some pieces of information about their foreign land.

            Kabiyesi immediately ordered Olori Atinuke to start preparation for what was going to be the grandest marriage in recent memory, more so since Aremo is also Atinuke’s first child.

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