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Friday 20 October 2017

Before My Execution - Excerpt 4

The Palace drummer was able to hint Kabiyesi that the anniversary was as good as Kabiyesi wanted it with the head-hunter in festive mood. Olori Atinuke could not hold herself back, she came nodding her head to the cries of the rendering, and Kabiyesi came out waving his horsetail to acknowledge the head-hunter who immediately prostrated and told Kabiyesi that he had accomplished the task assigned him.
            There and then, Kabiyesi ordered Olori Atinuke to put preparation on top gear.  

                                                          Chapter Four
            Durojaiye popularly known in Ilu-Nla as Duro was a young man with a generous physique that any wrestler would be proud to own. He was a hardworking man and much endowed with native intelligence. The family is so proud that when Durojaiye was to be initiated into the Osugbo cult, there was no objection from any member. He had been drafted as a replacement for his father who had passed on the previous year. The father and some members of Durojaiye family had been victims of smallpox.
Smallpox had devastated Ilu-Nla and many of the adjourning towns and villages.  Durojaiye farm was the biggest in Ilu-Nla, amongst his entire age grade. He helps some other nobility in the town to manage their farms. His marriage to Omolewa has been a peaceful one, and it is not uncommon for parents to admonish their young wards making an example of Durojaiye and Omolewa as the ideal.  
            That Durojaiye and Omolewa would be in serious argument the morning was something that nobody foresaw. Durojaiye was totally in disagreement with Omolewa’s visit to the Ifa Priest without seeking his permission first and all Omolewa’s pleadings could not register anything positive with Durojaiye. It was while they were still arguing that Ojebunmi came in and pleaded with Durojaiye explaining that it was the Priest who actually divined the reason for her own childlessness; informing that her husband was a woman!
 “A woman?” Durojaiye asked.
“Yes, a woman he is, because he is a she-goat who could not father a baby” – Ojebunmi had replied.
“He is all water and no fertilizer!” exclaimed Omolewa.
            On hearing this, Durojaiye became more serious asking if that was why Omolewa had consulted the Ifa Priest to confirm his own virility, but Omolewa hastened to let him know that she might even be the one who is infertile; but thank heaven, neither of them is at fault. The problem is more of concern to her than Durojaiye. On hearing this, Durojaiye became all ears to hear what the problem could be; and Omolewa became quiet again, while Ojebunmi smiling broke the news that the Ifa Priest had divined that Omolewa needed some woman to open the door of childbearing for her in Durojaiye’s House. “My friend needs a junior in your house” Ojebunmi enthused.
Durojaiye simply looks at the two of them and hissed, carry his farm implements and walked away.
            Ojebunmi and Omolewa started discussing and after a while, Ojebunmi requested her friend that she wanted to take her leave and the two of them agreed to alternate their visits, however Ojebunmi would prefer coming to Omolewa because her mother has started to reconnoitre her about suitors.
When Ojebunmi was about to leave, Omolewa called her aside and reminded her about what she had informed her previously and Ojebunmi in her usual self laughed heartily telling Omolewa she never gave it a thought and was not thinking in that direction. They both came out and headed towards Ojebunmi’s house.
            Since Ojebunmi came back, or one might not be wrong to say since she was deported from her husband’s house, Ojebunmi has now become a jest among young men of Ilu-Nla that, both Ojebunmi and Omolewa are the two most beautiful he-goats in Ilu-Nla. This and a lot more gossips have actually gotten to Ojebunmi’s mother who now informed her daughter about what the young men in Ilu-Nla were insinuating.
            Ojebunmi had told her mother that those making such statement were only jealous because she would not accept their love advances.
            When Ojebunmi informed Omolewa about what her mother had told her, she simply replied that they better make hay while the sun shines.

                                                               Chapter Five
Dr. Robert’s arrival in Ilu-Nla could not have been more auspicious because his news of coming came weeks before his arrival.
            Smallpox had devastated Ilu-Nla and the spread had been something that is giving all some concerns. It had been decided that when propitiating the gods during the festival of planting, emphasis would be laid on the issue of eradicating smallpox, to be requested of the gods. But it came not long ago the news that the Whiteman have the magic to fight and eliminate smallpox, so when Roberts surfaced and Kabiyesi was informed that he was the smallpox magician sent from overseas, he became highly elated and requested he join him in the village square to witness the planting festival.
            The news of Roberts arrival in Ilu-Nla spread like wildfire and all who were absent at the village square started to troop in to have a look at the smallpox magician. The square became much overcrowded that it baffled Kabiyesi himself. Ojeniyi stood up and approached Kabiyesi and asked him to introduce Robert to the gathering. Kabiyesi thanked Ojeniyi for the suggestion and immediately informed the Whiteman that he wanted to introduce him to his subjects and Roberts was pleased with such recognition.
As Kabiyesi introduced Roberts to his subjects, he laid emphasis on the fact that Robert’s was the magician who will exterminate smallpox from the land and all chorused "Asee” as he prayed that “may the gods grant him success in the onerous task.”
            Some members of the gathering murmured derisively when they saw Ojeniyi; who had only the diabolical medicine to destroy people, while the Whiteman brought curative medicine. No one dares to proclaim such to his hearing for fear of what might be the ripple effects.
            Dr. Roberts informed Kabiyesi that he would start treating all the victims of smallpox the following day, which Kabiyesi quickly announced to the crowd.
            In private discussion after the end of the celebration, Roberts had requested Kabiyesi to provide him and his team a secluded place to treat the victims and that he would have to vaccinate the people so that they would have immunity against the virus of the smallpox. While Kabiyesi promised to provide all that he requested to immediately, but the vaccination for all his chiefs and family and the palace hands would be done in the palace. As soon as all these arrangements were concluded, Roberts took his leave to have some rest before commencing the vaccination the following day.

The following day all had gathered in the palace and Balogun, the war General was the first to have his vaccination.

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