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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Trump's refugee ban isn't about national security FacebookTwitterInstagram

Donald Trump's executive order that bars U.S. entry of all refugees as well as all citizens (with very limited exceptions) of seven Muslim-majority nations is not only a political mistake — it violates essential religious commitments from many of our faith traditions. How we treat “the stranger” or “the other” is central to our faith and, indeed, in our Scriptures is seen as a test of our faith.

For Christians, in the 25th chapter of Matthew, Jesus makes clear that how we treat “the stranger” is how we treat him. That’s what the Gospel text says. And the “stranger” means immigrants and refugees — the citizens of other nations living and traveling among us. Therefore, this is a faith issue for us as Christians. Donald Trump’s executive order on “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” is in conflict with our Christian faith, and we will oppose it as a matter of faith.

Let’s be clear: President Trump’s executive order is not about security.

Here's what it's about —


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