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Friday 27 January 2017

Evangelicals Oppose Trump's Refugee Ban | 7 Boring Ways the Church Can Change the World: CT Weekly

Why Our Body Destroys Itself | The Positive Legacy of the Gosnell Case | Christianity Today
   Also: Why Our Body Destroys Itself | The Positive Legacy of the Gosnell Case | View online

Evangelical Experts Oppose Trump's Plan to Ban Refugees
World Relief and other major ministries argue that compassion and security are not opposing forces.
Kate Shellnutt

Despite previous plans to admit the highest number of refugees in decades, the United States would be shutting its doors to thousands displaced by conflict in the Middle East — at least temporarily — under an executive order President Donald Trump is expected to sign this week. Christian aid groups responsible for resettlement mourned and criticized the impending decision to stop accepting any refugees into the United States for the next four months. continue reading >>

Book Review
7 Boring Ways the Church Can Change the World
Honestly, it's nothing radical.
Why Our Body Destroys Itself
The science and spirituality behind the latest Nobel Prize in medicine.
The Surprisingly Positive Legacy of the Kermit Gosnell Case
How the worst of the abortion industry brought out the best of pro-life advocacy.
God Doesn't Need You to Try So Hard
A spiritual lesson for chronic achievers.
Trump Inauguration's Bible Reading Is Not in Your Bible
Why it's good for Protestants to hear from the Apocrypha.
What Both DC Marches Agree On: Abortions Haven't Been This Rare Since Roe v. Wade
Pro-life and pro-choice advocates agree on data, disagree on causes.
Deadliest Winter Tornado in Decades Crumbles Baptist Campus
The twister destroyed four university buildings, damaged dozens of others, and injured seven students.
Quick to Listen
Why Christians Fall Prey to Fake News
In the age of information overload, propaganda helps us find a place to belong.
The Local Church
Andy Crouch: My Work as a Father Will Outlast Any Word I'll Ever Write
CT's outgoing executive editor looks back on the successes—and anxieties—of his twelve years in journalism.
God Wants You to Get Some Sleep
Our restless generation is missing out on the spiritual benefits of shuteye.
The Exchange
The Christian & Culture: Three Ways to Engage with Your Neighbor
The Great Commandment and the Golden Rule make us better listeners.
US Missionary May Get Russia's Anti-Evangelism Law Overturned
After 32 cases, lawmakers review Yarovaya restrictions on religion. Top courts could follow.

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