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Monday 10 August 2015

Buhari will investigate supply of military weapons

Military weapons
The Presidency says President Muhammadu will launch a thorough investigation into the awards of contracts for the supply of military weapons in the recent past.

Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, said this  yesterday while fielding questions on the Channels Television programme, Politics Today.

He was responding to a question on whether President Buhari would look into the military budgets. 

The president is interested in every penny that leaves the Nigeria's treasury. As you are aware, records are being checked right now, not only in the oil sector, but also in the various departments of government. 

So, Mr President is really interested in what has happened to the equipment that have supposedly been bought and supplied, some of which might be there on the ground and might not be. Only a thorough audit will actually reveal this. The disclosure has been made about substandard in the Nigeria's fight against Boko Haram", Shehu said. 

Appraising the efforts so far made by Buhari's government to contain the insurgency, he said: "President Muhammadu Buhari wants to urgently end Boko Haram. In fact, some semblance of normalcy is being restored. Right now, there is no territory in the control of Boko Haram. The insurgents have been degraded. They are in disarray without a central command and coordination"

On the feasibility of local production of military equipment as directed by Buhari on Friday, the presidential aide stated, "This government is guided by major principles and I will imagine that environment will be created for investment in the defence industry".
military weapons
On the measures put in place by the present administration to equip the armed forces, Shehu said, "Mr President is not going to send troops to the war without ensuring that they are properly equipped and without sensuring that they are properly taken care of. Just on Friday, at the National Defence College, Mr President was committing himself to the fact that our military will be well taken care of in terms of their welfare, in terms of their equipment and in terms of the motivation they need to confront these insurgents. 

We're already beginning to see the fruits of this because as we speak right now, Boko Haram is in disarray. And what we are witnessing now; that is, occasional bombings and suicide attacks, characterise only one thing globally. And that is that, the dying days of the insurgency. It's just a matter of time, we'll get there".
Publisher: Mohammed Abubakar, Abuja posted at Monday, 10 August 2015 09:34:37
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AGAINST the backdrop of the allegation of partisanship in the fight against corruption against the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari by the opposition People’s Democratic Party, ( PDP), Senate Caucus  the Presidency denied the allegation, saying, PDP was merely crying wolf where there was none.

In s statement in Abuja last night, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the Presidency noted the allegation by the PDP Senate Caucus lacked was baseless and lacked merit in all its ramifications

The statement said, “We have noted with regret, the allegation by members of the PDP Senate Caucus that the present administration is being selective and partisan in its prosecution of the war against corruption.

We state without equivocation that the allegation is false, baseless and totally unjustifiable.
For the avoidance of any doubt whatsoever, we affirm that having made his zero tolerance for corruption clear to all and sundry, President Muhammadu Buhari does not micro-manage or interfere in the daily work of Nigeria’s anti-corruption agencies.

The wild allegation of bias and partisanship in the fight against corruption shouldn’t have come therefore from respected and distinguished members of the  Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

That claim belongs to the past and not the present. Public officials and other leaders accused of corruption by relevant agencies should plead their innocence, not malice.

President Buhari’s unwavering stance is that whosoever is charged with corruption should face the law irrespective of whether  they are members of the of All Progressives Congress (APC) , Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), or any other political party.
As far as the President is concerned, corruption has no political party, no religion and no ethnic group.

It is important to remind the PDP Senate Caucus and all Nigerians that  right from 2003 when he started campaigning for the Presidency of Nigeria, President Buhari consistently promised to do his best to curb corruption in the country.

The President remains wholly committed to fulfilling that promise and will not be deterred from the relentless prosecution of the war against corruption because he remains convinced that, as he has said, “unless Nigeria kills corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria”.

The statement went further, “The claim by the PDP Senate caucus that President Buhari and his administration are meddling in election petition cases through the Department of State Services (DSS) is also untrue.

The duties of the DSS and other security agencies  are clearly spelt out in the laws establishing them. The Federal Government led by President Buhari does not give them instructions regarding their daily operations.

Election Tribunals and the Independent National Electoral Commission  in Rivers, Abia and Akwa-Ibom States  do not operate under the guidance of the President.

Any individual or group of individuals who think that their legitimate political and civil rights are infringed upon by the DSS or any institution is advised to seek protection and redress under our constitution and laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria instead of resorting to baseless allegations against the Buhari Administration.”

Under President Buhari’s watch, Shehu claimed  the rule of law, not impunity, shall govern every aspect of life in Nigeria and there will be no room for sentiments, bias and corruption in the application of the laws of the land.

President Buhari also wishes to re-assure all Nigerians that his administration will not discriminate against individuals or groups in the performance of its duties and that favours or patronage will not be dispensed on the basis of votes.

The President remains committed to his Oath of Office and  the letters and spirit of the constitution.
He calls on all Nigerians to join hands with him in the fight against insecurity, corruption and impunity in Nigeria so that we can have a country that will prosper for the benefit of all of its citizens  and future  generations of Nigerians.”, Shehu stressed.

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