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Saturday 27 June 2015

ASIA/INDIA - Anti-Christian Violence in Kerala

New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - Christians in India continue to face attacks by Hindu extremist groups. As reported to Fides by the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI), a new episode of anti-Christian violence took place on Sunday, June 14 in Kerala: A group of worshipers was attacked during a celebration in a Protestant church in the town of Attingal. As reported to Fides, over 200 militants of radical Hindu organizations entered the hall of worship shouting slogans like 'Bharat Mathaki Jai" ("Hail Mother India"). The attackers started to beat up the Pastor and the faithful who fled in terror. Several were beaten and suffered injuries. The militants devastated the church, breaking the altar and liturgical furniture. The police arrived after half an hour.

In the following days, the interior minister of Kerala visited the affected community, condemning the violence and promising to bring the attackers to justice. Christians in Attingal staged a peaceful protest march in the city, calling for harmony and religious freedom. On the other hand, in a counter-public demonstration, Hindu radicals recited chanted anti-Christian slogans and threats.
In Kerala, one of the southern states of India, Christians account for more than 40% of the total population of the state. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 27/06/2015)

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