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Friday 5 February 2016

Investigating Strange Phenomena

Newest issue of Strange Magazine is now available exclusively online! Eyes have been seen to glow, flash, and even project beams of light! In issue 23 we investigate the phenomenon of
animal and human eye glow. Mystery objects imbedded in asphalt — known as Toynbee Tiles — have been sighted in locations from New York to Chile. Who could be making these mysterious tiles and what, if anything,is their meaning? Editor Mark Chorvinsky continues his two-decade-long investigation into a photograph of a large bird or pterodactyl affixed to the side of a barn, with some cowboy-types standing in front of it. This latest installment takes a look into the small but growing number of Thunderbird Photograph hoaxes. Vincent H. Gaddis looks into tales of huge
sailing ships abandoned in the sands of the deserts of California's Imperial and Coachella Valleys. The Cottingley Fairies Photo case is examined by Douglas Petherbridge, who also reviews several Fairy feature films. Dr. Karl P. N. Shuker parades the marvelous and monstrous, including the short-lived enigma of Ward's Zebra, the Orange Squirrels of Boston,moose-cows, silver cats, whales with legs, Living Unicorns, Pseudo-Sea Monsters and the Hydra of Heracles, the Bones of the Thunder Horse; and the purple cow — from rhyme to reality! first person is an ongoing collection of alleged firsthand experiences with the stranger side of life including Green Glowing Wood, the Potato from Elsewhere, a Grim Reaper Encounter, Chesapeake Bay Plesiosaur Sighting,a Translucent Pterodactyl, and more. Strange news from around the world includes the Sea Serpent of Cape Breton; Flattened Corn fields; Chilean Dinosaur Kangaroos; Furry hopping shark; Globster Identified; Iranian, Caspian and Ottawa UFOs; Ghostsin Plymouth Naval Docks; and Japanese RobotGladiators.

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