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Saturday 5 December 2015

California shooting suspects, possible terrorism ties


The FBI's declaration does not imply that the organization has closed Syed Farook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 27, were terrorists - just that agents have assembled enough preparatory data to move their test in that heading.

That is a stage past not long ago, when police said they don't knew anything decisive in regards to the conceivable inspiration of Farook or his wife.

David Bowdich, colleague executive of the FBI's Los Angeles office, said in Los Angeles on Friday that the shooters endeavored to demolish proof, including pulverizing two cellphones and disposing of them in a junk can.

The spouse and wife utilized custom made explosives and strike style rifles in the assault on an occasion gathering of Farook's associates, powers say, yet much stays obscure.

A U.S. law implementation authority said Friday that Malik, who later kicked the bucket with Farook in a gunfight with police, utilized a pseudonym on Facebook to make her announcement of backing for the Islamic State and its pioneer. Be that as it may, there is no sign anybody from the gathering corresponded with her or gave any direction to the assault.

FBI Director James Comey noticed the authority's examination so far has demonstrated no proof that the associates were part with a bigger gathering or individuals from a dread cell.



Nothing, as per lawyers David Chesley and Mohammad Abuershaid, who speak to Farook's mom and three kin.

Farook's mom, Rafia Sultana Farook, lived with the couple in an unassuming Redlands loft however never saw anything that would propose they were arranging a slaughter at an occasion party for Farook's colleagues or building explosives for use in the assault, the lawyers told journalists in Los Angeles. The mother stayed for the most part to herself at the home, upstairs, and "everybody was in stun" after points of interest of the frenzy developed, Chesley said.

"We all need an answer" for what spurred the assaults, Chesley said. "We can't make a hasty judgment."

Family and companions have communicated mistrust that the calm, religious couple organized the fatal assault.

Companions knew Farook by his snappy grin, his dedication to Islam and his discussion about restoring autos. They say they didn't know he was occupied with his wife building funnel bombs and stockpiling a large number of rounds of ammo for the attack on Farook's associates from San Bernardino County's wellbeing division.

The dead in Wednesday's assault extended in age from 26 to 60, and 21 were harmed.



In the days since the shooting, just inadequate points of interest have risen about her life.

Farook told companions he met his future wife online and she was Pakistani. Malik touched base in the U.S. on a K-1 visa for life partners and with a Pakistani international ID in July 2014, powers said.

The two were hitched Aug. 16, 2014, in close-by Riverside County, as per their marriage permit. Both recorded their religion as Muslim. The couple had a 6-month-old little girl; they exited the infant with relatives Wednesday morning before the shooting.

Pakistani knowledge authorities say Malik moved as a youngster with her family to Saudi Arabia 25 years back. They say the family is initially from the Pakistani town of Karor Lal Esan, around 200 miles southwest of the capital of Islamabad in Punjab region.

Malik didn't stay in Saudi Arabia, inevitably coming back to Pakistan and living in the capital Islamabad. She did come back to Saudi Arabia for visits, including a nine-week stay in July 2008.

She made a second visit of about four months in 2013. That excursion covers by almost a week with an outing Farook took to Saudi Arabia, and may have been the point at which the two met however it isn't clear whether they had any contact amid the six days.

Farook went to Dar Al Uloom Al Islamiyah mosque in San Bernardino. Gasser Shehata, who additionally went to the mosque, said Farook would go to the mosque around three times each week, for the most part amid his meal break from work as a San Bernardino County wellbeing investigator. His wife didn't go along with him, he said.

Shehata said he saw Malik sitting in Farook's auto once around nine months back wearing a niqab, a cloak that covers a lady's face aside from her eyes.

The family lawyers portrayed Malik as a mild-mannered, extremely private housewife who talked softened English and lived up Pakistan until she was 18 or 20 years of age. Taking after religious convention in their home, men and ladies would stay isolated amid social visits, and Malik wore a burqa, a robe-like article of clothing that covers a large portion of the face and is the most moderate Islamic attire worn by ladies. Farook's siblings had never seen her face.



On Thursday, a U.S. insight authority said Farook had been in contact with known Islamic radicals on online networking.

In any case, the authority said the contact was with "individuals who weren't critical players on our radar" and dated back some time. There additionally was no quick sign of any "surge" in correspondence in front of the shooting.

Farook had no criminal record, and he and his wife weren't on the FBI's radar before the shooting. Likewise, police are taking a gander at the likelihood that the shooting was fixed to a working environment question.

Examiners say they had more than 1,600 shots with them when they were slaughtered and well more than 4,500 rounds of ammo at their home. Chesley said it wasn't irregular for firearm proprietors to purchase ammo in mass to spare cash. Farook legitimately purchased two handguns utilized as a part of the slaughter, and their two strike rifles were lawfully purchased by another person government powers need to address.

"When you can get them at a shoddy value, you stock up," he said.

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