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Thursday 30 April 2015

Squat challenges are all the rage now, and while it certainly is an accomplishment to work your way up to 200, 500, or even 1,000 squats (yikes!), doing the same kind only works certain muscles. Here's a new challenge for you to try. It involves five different squat variations that you repeat and eventually work up to 200 reps in 30 days.
Here are instructions for the five different variations followed by a 30-day plan to get you all the way to 200. It's not advised to skip right to day 30 if you want to be able to walk the next day, so follow the plan and adjust it slightly according to your schedule and ability level. For a quick guide, here's a printable version of this Squat Challenge.
Number 1: Narrow Squat

  • Stand with your feet touching. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest to help you stay balanced and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply, bringing your thighs parallel with the floor if you can. Be sure to keep weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.
Number 2: Narrow Squat With Back Kick

  • Stand with your feet touching. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest or on your hips, and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor. Be sure to keep weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, and lift the left leg behind you for a back kick. Lower the foot back to the floor in a narrow squat position.
  • Do another squat, then straighten the leg, do a back kick with the right leg, and step the right foot back to meet the left.
  • This counts as one rep.
Number 3: Basic Squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, feet parallel. Hold your hands out in front of you for balance. Bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply, bringing your thighs parallel with the floor if you can, keeping weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.
Here's a video demonstrating the basic squat.
Number 4: Basic Squat With Side Leg Lift

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, feet parallel. Hold your hands out in front of you for balance. Bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor, keeping weight back in your heels.
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, and lifting the left leg out to the side, squeezing the outer glute.
  • As you step the foot back into shoulder-width distance position, squat down again. Then stand up and do a side leg lift on the right side. Lower the leg back to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep.
Number 5: Sumo Squat

  • Stand with your feet wide, toes pointing out. Hold your hands comfortably in front of your chest to help you stay balanced and bend your knees, lowering your hips deeply so your thighs are parallel with the floor. Make sure to keep weight back in your heels
  • Then rise back up, straightening the legs completely, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement to get the most out of the exercise.
  • This counts as one rep.
The Plan
Unlike other squat challenges, this involves five different variations to not only sculpt your legs and booty more effectively, but also to beat boredom and prevent overuse injuries. This plan incorporates rest days, so while you can hold off on squats that day, you can (and should) still do other workouts to target your nonsquatting muscles.

Day of Month Exercise Number of Squats
Day 1 6 reps of each 30
Day 2 10 reps of each 50
Day 3 6 reps of each, repeat 2x 60
Day 4 Rest 0
Day 5 5 reps of each, repeat 3x 75
Day 6 10 reps of each 50
Day 7 8 reps of each, repeat 2x 80
Day 8 Rest 0
Day 9 9 reps of each, repeat 2x 90
Day 10 6 reps of each, repeat 2x 60
Day 11 5 reps of each, repeat 4x 100
Day 12 Rest 0
Day 13 7 reps of each, repeat 3x 105
Day 14 6 reps of each, repeat 2x 60
Day 15 5 reps of each, repeat 5x 125
Day 16 Rest 0
Day 17 9 reps of each, repeat 3x 135
Day 18 5 reps of each, repeat 3x 75
Day 19 7 reps of each, repeat 4x 140
Day 20 Rest 0
Day 21 10 reps of each, repeat 3x 150
Day 22 8 reps of each, repeat 2x 80
Day 23 8 reps of each, repeat 4x 160
Day 24 Rest 0
Day 25 7 reps of each, repeat 5x 175
Day 26 6 reps of each, repeat 3x 90
Day 27 9 reps of each, repeat 4x 180
Day 28 Rest 0
Day 29 12 reps of each, repeat 3x 180
Day 30 10 reps of each, repeat 4x 200

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If you find it hard to lose weight with your busy schedule, the news keeps getting better. First, just 20 minutes of exercise was proven to help increase your metabolism. Now, a study has found that working out intensely for just 2.5 minutes can spur calorie burn throughout the day - an extra 200 calories' worth.
Source: POPSUGAR Photography

In the latest study, five healthy men performed sprint interval training on a stationary bicycle (five 30-second intense intervals with four minutes of easy cycling in between). Although the men were sedentary the rest of the day, they ended up burning 200 more calories during the days they did the short bout of exercise than the days they didn't exercise at all.
Even though this was a small study, the encouraging results are reason enough to add intense intervals into your workout routine. It's also good news for those of you who can never seem to fit a full workout into your day. Below are ideas on intense exercises you can do anywhere for 2.5 minutes so you too can reap the afterburn benefits. Perform these at maximum intensity; you can break them into 30-second or one-minute intervals to make it more manageable. Stick with one, or choose five to do for 30 seconds each!
  1. Jumping jacks. These do-anywhere moves pump up your heart rate in no time.
  2. Mountain climbers. This cardio move helps strengthen legs and core muscles as well. Learn how to do mountain climbers here.
  3. Burpees. Swiftly moving from standing to squatting to push-up position challenges all your muscles. Not sure how to do this classic move? Get instructions on how to do a burpee here.
Source: POPSUGAR Studios

  1. Running up stairs. Run up and down the stairs at home or at your office - you'll get the added bonus of a toned backside.
  2. Walking lunges. These lunges help you develop balance while strengthening your core and lower body. Do these briskly, but make sure your form stays correct to prevent knee or ankle strain. Here's how to do a perfect walking lunge.
  3. High knees: Run in place while engaging your core and pumping your arms. The goal should be to keep your knees high and maintain an upright posture as you do your speed bursts.
  4. Frogger: This plank-to-squat move seems simple, but you'll feel it as you do your 30-second bursts. Begin in a plank position. Jump your feet to the outside of your hands, coming into a deep squat and keeping your hands on the floor, then jump back to plank. Repeat in a quick succession (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios

  1. Lateral hops: Make small jumps side to side as if you are jumping over an invisible line (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios

  1. Jump squat: Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively. When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios

  1. Box step: Find a step, stool, or box (or aim toes at an imaginary step) and lightly tap your left toes to the box, then jump to switch feet, bringing the right toes up (below).
Source: POPSUGAR Studios

Don't stop at just 2.5 minutes, though. Besides upping your total calorie burn, longer exercise helps you stay healthy and prevent disease. Aim for at least 150 minutes a week; here are five ways to make sure you hit that number.
These snack suggestions from Shape will have you falling asleep quickly and waking up more refreshed tomorrow morning.
Q: Are there any foods that can help me fall asleep?
A: If you have trouble sleeping, you're not alone. More than 40 million Americans suffer from insomnia, a terrible condition brought on by stress, anxiety, medication interactions, and overconsumption of caffeine (which helps you stay awake due to lack of sleep, creating a vicious cycle). Recent research has also linked inadequate sleep to metabolic disease, as it increases hunger hormones and reduces the release of two major fat-loss hormones, leptin and adiponectin.
Fortunately, there are, in fact, some foods that can help you catch more shut-eye without reaching for a bottle of pills.
1. Tart cherry juice: A 2010 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that drinking two glasses of tart cherry juice helped people suffering from insomnia sleep better. Participants fell asleep faster and spent less time awake during the night compared to their sleep patterns before they enrolled in the study. While the specific mechanism that aids in insomnia relief is not fully understood, researchers think that it has to do with the potent anti-inflammatory effects of tart cherry juice as several inflammatory compounds play a role in regulating sleep.
RELATED: Why Sleep Is the No. 1 Most Important Thing For a Better Body
2. Warm milk: This classic cure for bedtime woes may be more of a psychological "trick" to fall asleep than a physiological fact. Initially it was thought that tryptophan, the amino acid found in milk, helps you fall asleep by converting into serotonin, a powerful modulator of sleep. However, new research shows that other amino acids found in milk hinder this process. Still, many people swear by its use as a sedative, so it’s likely the effects are all in our heads. Since two of the major driving forces that keep people up at night are stress and anxiety, the comfort associated with the nightly ritual of warm milk may help quell these stressors to help people fall asleep better.
3. Nuts: Magnesium, a mineral found in high levels in nuts, can help control blood pressure and blood sugar, but it can also serve as a relaxant to help you catch more z's. In fact, one of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be insomnia. Toss pumpkin seeds in soups or salads - just 1 1/2 ounces will give you more than 50 percent of your daily value for magnesium.
In the end, keep in mind that these are merely quick fixes. The real key to optimizing your sleep habits is to find out the root problem. Maybe you’re simply not getting in bed early enough? If so, an easy fix is to aim to get between the sheets 15 minutes earlier each week—compounded over six weeks, you’ll be in bed for 90 minutes longer each night. If your problem is more that you can’t fall or stay asleep once in bed, it may be a little more complicated. Try limiting your caffeine intake later in the day or talking to your doctor about changing medications that could be interfering with your sleep.
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Time to get a peek at What Happened, Miss Simone?, the Nina Simone documentary that was a hit with critics at the Sundance Film Festival. You won't even have to go to a theater to see it! Netflix is debuting the doc on June 26, and after watching the trailer, you'll be more than ready to spend a night learning about the legendary singer. The documentary features rare interviews and footage from the singer's performances. The best quotes come from Simone's daughter, Lisa Simone Kelly, who executive produced the movie. "My mother was Nina Simone 24/7," she says. "And that's where it became a problem."
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Game of Thrones really puts us through the ringer. Sometimes it leaves us emotionally scarred and broken, sometimes it bestows us with amazing quotes, and most of the time, it gives us too many butts to keep track of. Even though so many main characters die on the show, it's still hard not to pick a favorite. There are those who love the ever-resilient Arya Stark, while others love to hate Cersei Lannister. But when it really comes down to it, you have to admit that the one who gives us all the most life is Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Keep reading to see why she's just so effing fierce.
A school district in Northern Virginia tweeted a picture of a U.S. military helicopter that apparently made an unscheduled landing on a field next to an elementary school. Alexandria City Public Schools tweeted that the students of William Ramsey Elementary School were all safe and were not on the field at the time of the incident. The school would not comment when contacted by CNN.
NASA's Mercury Messenger space probe is out of fuel, and it's expected to crash into Mercury around 3:30 p.m. ET Thursday, according to Paulette W. Campbell, a spokeswoman with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, which has been managing the mission.
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The well coordinated operation is already yielding results as troops in the last few days rescued 200 girls and 93, women and an additional number of hostages. Over 13 terrorists camps including the notorious Tokumbere camp in Sambisa forest have been captured. Other camps overran and destroyed by troops include, Wulari Bukar, Gangala, Anguwar Bakwai, Jigide, Kotorima, Lagura Bello, Lagina Fulani, among others.
The Senate Committee Chairman on Finance, Senator Ahmed Makarfi, on Thursday said it was untrue that no provision was made for fuel subsidy in the 2015 budget which was passed by the lawmakers few days ago.
Makarfi, who made the clarification in Abuja during a chat with journalists, also gave an insight into how the nation can effectively address the issue of high cost of governance.
The Senate had on Tuesday passed the national budget of N4.493tr for the 2015 fiscal year, about five months after it was presented by the Minister of Finance/Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
The fiscal document, which was earlier passed by the House of Representatives last week, was N51bn higher than the N4.425tn submitted to both chambers of the National Assembly by the Federal Government.
Following the passage, there had been insinuations and reports that there was no provision for fuel subsidy in the 2015 budget.
The fear about the absence of fuel subsidy had led to insinuations within some quarters that it was a booby trap set for the in-coming government of General Muhammadu Buhari.
But Makarfi said a total sum of N100bn was provided for as subsidy for Premium Motor Spirit, while N43bn was approved for Dual Purpose Kerosene for the 2015 fiscal period.
Markafi said “There is a provision for subsidy in the budget, people need to understand where to look for an issue. If you look at the main appropriation, there is so many cost components.
“You will not see cash call in the main appropriation, you will not see subsidy in the main appropriation. There are expenses in the main memoranda items that you are not going to see in the main appropriation.
“For you to see them, you have to go through the revenue profile. In this year budget, N100bn was provided for Premium Motor Spirit, N43bn for DPK.
The federal government in 2013, budgeted the sum of N970bn for fuel subsidy out of which N515bn was released to oil marketers.
In the 2014 fiscal period, the same N970bn was budgeted for fuel subsidy while N414bn was released.
But Makarfi said while the amount budgeted for this year may not be enough to for subsidised petroleum products, the law allows for a request of additional funding when the need arises.
This window, according to him, could be used by the incoming government.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Thursday offered an amnesty covering security forces members who fled the Islamic State jihadist group, provided they return to their units within 30 days.
Multiple Iraqi divisions collapsed when an IS-led offensive swept through Iraq last June, overrunning large areas north and west of Baghdad.
In their haste to escape, some security personnel shed their uniforms and abandoned vehicles, weapons and other equipment, which the jihadists have since employed against government forces.
The statement from Abadi’s office did not specifically mention IS, but the amnesty covers those who fled, were absent or harmed themselves to avoid service.
The amnesty specifically excludes those who committed offences including crimes against state security, corruption and abuse of influence.
It was unclear if tens of thousands of so-called “ghost soldiers,” who are on the payroll but do not show up for work, sometimes splitting salaries with their commanders, would be covered.
While Iraqi security forces performed dismally in the early days of the IS-led drive, they have since regained significant territory with backing from pro-government paramilitaries, a US-led coalition and Iran.
A Federal High Court in Lagos has ordered Coscharis Motors Limited to release information as regards the two controversial bullet-proof cars purchased by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority for a former Minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah, in 2013.
Justice Mohammed Yunusa made the order of mandamus in a judgment delivered on Tuesday in a suit filed by a non-governmental organisation, Enough-is-Enough.
Enough-is-Enough had, through its counsel, Mr. Ayodeji Acquah, approached Yunusa seeking an order compelling Coscharis Motors to make available to it documents on the two cars numbered WBAHP41050DW68032 and WBAHP41010DW68044 purchased for Oduah for about N256m.
The organisation claimed to have commenced the action following the refusal of the company to honour its request via a letter dated October 28, 2013.
It had urged the court to compel the Attorney General of the Federation to commence criminal proceedings against Coscharis for alleged wrongful denial of access to information in contravention of Section 7(5) of the Freedom of Information Act, 2011.
But Coscharis, in opposition to the plaintiff’s prayers, argued being an indigenous private limited liability company with no government investment, the FOI Act could not be binding on it.
Counsel for the company, Mr. Ndubuisi Chito, had maintained that his client, which was not being funded by tax payer’s money and did not enjoy any type of government subvention could not be categorised as a public service outfit, which might be subject to sections 1(1) and 4(a) that the applicant relied upon.
Besides, Chito, had urged Yunusa to dismiss the suit for want of jurisdiction.
However, Yunusa, in his judgment, assumed jurisdiction and holding that the provisions of the FOI Act was binding on Coscharis, the judge subsequently ordered the automobile company to furnish Enough-is-Enough with information and documents pertaining to the cars.
Yunusa, however, did not compel the Attorney General of the Federal to commence criminal proceedings against the automobile company as prayed by the plaintiff.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

"Exercising early in the morning jump-starts your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours and energizes you for the day," says Jennifer Sherman, a Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor and Head Coach at Peloton Cycle in New York City. And while you may be tempted to sleep in, there are ways to make sure you get moving before you have time to come up with an excuse not to. Here, 10 of the best from some of the country's top trainers.

1. Snooze

No, not the snooze button. "Get enough sleep the night before so you're well-rested," says Sherman. Better yet, "move your alarm clock out of arm's reach. This way you will actually have to get out of your warm bed to turn it off."

2. Pair Up

"Scheduling your sweat session with a friend is a great way to ensure you get your butt out of bed for that a.m. workout," says Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body. "When you know someone is counting on you, you'll be far less likely to bail."

3. Get Competitive

Rosante suggests making a bet with one of your girlfriends. "Plan to work out five times per week for six weeks," he says. "For each planned day, you'll each put a pre-determined amount of money into a 'pot.' Something like five bucks is great. The first person to bail on a session loses and the winner gets the cash. Watching that pool grow as your body tones is pretty addictive. If you both last all six weeks, take the money and go out to celebrate with a great meal."

4. Style Yourself

Workout clothes are so cute-and even cuter when you take the time to plan out your morning look the night before. "Be a few steps ahead in order to get out the door seamlessly," says Sherman. "Take a few minutes the night before to lay out your workout gear, charge up the iPod and have your water bottle filled and ready."

5. Be Patient . . .

"Half the battle is simply starting," says Liz Arredondo, an instructor at Be Shri Yoga. "In my early days, a teacher said to me, 'Just give it 10 minutes.' Just make it through that first 10 minutes and you'll have forgotten all the doubt and sluggishness of the start of your morning sweat sessions. You blood will be moving and you'll feel better."

6. And Be Gentle

"Morning bodies are very tight and need time to wake up," says Arredondo. "We sleep in all kinds of terrible, misaligned positions and most of us wake up a bit stiff. Let your body wake up with some slow, deep breathing paired with gentle stretches before you start moving more actively."

7. Make Yourself Accountable

"Post on social media that tomorrow you are going to go to Barry's Bootcamp, SoulCycle, yoga, whatever it may be and invite your friends to meet you there," says LA-based trainer Astrid Swan. "If you don't show, and they do, well, social media will be all over it!" In other words, #dontbail.

8. Prep Your Breakfast

Swan suggests preparing a make-ahead breakfast the night before. She prefers overnight oats for energy: Mix almond milk, acai, maca, and banana in a blender, then add chia seeds and oats; put in a mason jar and place in fridge overnight. "You will wake up to a healthy, filling breakfast so you can take on the sweat and the rest of the day," she says.

9. Take the "Work" Out

"Make it fun," says Arredondo. "Put on a good playlist. Spotify is great if you don't love making your own, and find a class or a video that you enjoy."

10. Stay Honest

"Are you dreading the schlep to the gym? Are you tired from staying up too late?" asks Rosante. "Do you feel like you just don't know what kind of workout to do? Spend a few minutes thinking about why you have such a hard time committing to your a.m. workouts and you can easily figure out a solution that's perfect for you. You may realize it's time to ditch the gym membership and just start crushing simple workouts right in your living room."

"Exercising early in the morning jump-starts your metabolism, keeping it elevated for hours and energizes you for the day," says Jennifer Sherman, a Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor and Head Coach at Peloton Cycle in New York City. And while you may be tempted to sleep in, there are ways to make sure you get moving before you have time to come up with an excuse not to. Here, 10 of the best from some of the country's top trainers.

1. Snooze

No, not the snooze button. "Get enough sleep the night before so you're well-rested," says Sherman. Better yet, "move your alarm clock out of arm's reach. This way you will actually have to get out of your warm bed to turn it off."

2. Pair Up

"Scheduling your sweat session with a friend is a great way to ensure you get your butt out of bed for that a.m. workout," says Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body. "When you know someone is counting on you, you'll be far less likely to bail."

3. Get Competitive

Rosante suggests making a bet with one of your girlfriends. "Plan to work out five times per week for six weeks," he says. "For each planned day, you'll each put a pre-determined amount of money into a 'pot.' Something like five bucks is great. The first person to bail on a session loses and the winner gets the cash. Watching that pool grow as your body tones is pretty addictive. If you both last all six weeks, take the money and go out to celebrate with a great meal."

4. Style Yourself

Workout clothes are so cute-and even cuter when you take the time to plan out your morning look the night before. "Be a few steps ahead in order to get out the door seamlessly," says Sherman. "Take a few minutes the night before to lay out your workout gear, charge up the iPod and have your water bottle filled and ready."

5. Be Patient . . .

"Half the battle is simply starting," says Liz Arredondo, an instructor at Be Shri Yoga. "In my early days, a teacher said to me, 'Just give it 10 minutes.' Just make it through that first 10 minutes and you'll have forgotten all the doubt and sluggishness of the start of your morning sweat sessions. You blood will be moving and you'll feel better."

6. And Be Gentle

"Morning bodies are very tight and need time to wake up," says Arredondo. "We sleep in all kinds of terrible, misaligned positions and most of us wake up a bit stiff. Let your body wake up with some slow, deep breathing paired with gentle stretches before you start moving more actively."

7. Make Yourself Accountable

"Post on social media that tomorrow you are going to go to Barry's Bootcamp, SoulCycle, yoga, whatever it may be and invite your friends to meet you there," says LA-based trainer Astrid Swan. "If you don't show, and they do, well, social media will be all over it!" In other words, #dontbail.

8. Prep Your Breakfast

Swan suggests preparing a make-ahead breakfast the night before. She prefers overnight oats for energy: Mix almond milk, acai, maca, and banana in a blender, then add chia seeds and oats; put in a mason jar and place in fridge overnight. "You will wake up to a healthy, filling breakfast so you can take on the sweat and the rest of the day," she says.

9. Take the "Work" Out

"Make it fun," says Arredondo. "Put on a good playlist. Spotify is great if you don't love making your own, and find a class or a video that you enjoy."

10. Stay Honest

"Are you dreading the schlep to the gym? Are you tired from staying up too late?" asks Rosante. "Do you feel like you just don't know what kind of workout to do? Spend a few minutes thinking about why you have such a hard time committing to your a.m. workouts and you can easily figure out a solution that's perfect for you. You may realize it's time to ditch the gym membership and just start crushing simple workouts right in your living room."

ADEN/DOHA (Reuters) - Saudi-led air strikes hit five Yemeni provinces as fighting raged in the southern city of Aden on Wednesday, and sources in the region said the kingdom was training armed tribesmen to fight the Iran-allied Houthi group.
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Zimbabwe on Wednesday shut down the country's second largest mobile phone service provider, Telecel Zimbabwe, partly for breaching black empowerment laws, officials said. International telecom firm VimpelCom, based in the Netherlands, has a 60 percent stake in Telecel Zimbabwe
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -- A Russian supply capsule that went into an uncontrollable spin after launch was declared a total loss Wednesday, but the astronauts at the International Space Station said they will get by without the delivery of fresh food, water, clothes and equipment....
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If you'd seen him in the crowded room that night, you might not have given him a
The Federal Government on Wednesday warned against utterances and actions that are capable of portraying the President-elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), as running a parallel government at a time President Goodluck Jonathan is still fully in charge.
Minister of National Planning, Dr. Abubakar Sulaiman, disclosed this at the end of the weekly Federal Executive Council meeting presided over by Jonathan.
Sulaiman told State House correspondents that the council considered the state of the transition programme and took exception to some utterances and terms of reference of the transition committee set up by Buhari.
The minister, who is the chairman of the Technical Subcommittee of the outgoing government’s transition committee, said the council noted that such actions were suggesting that the current government was either being stampeded or being intimidated.
He said, “We did receive from the incoming government’s transition committee some terms of reference which we looked at critically and council did agree with. Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan remains the current head of government of this country.
“The incoming government should avoid creating a parallel government while the government is still on.
“We take exception to some utterances and some of the terms of reference that look as if the current government is being stampeded or intimidated.
“Council frowned on ‎most of the statements, most of the provocations and council members are advised to work in line with the terms of reference of the current government.
“Council members are also told that the terms of reference as formatted by our transition committee should be strictly complied with.
“When the incoming government takes over government, they can come out with their programmes, they can come out with their own ‎agenda, they can decide to come out with policies in the way they feel like.
“This government remains resolute to the various programmes and projects ‎it is pursuing and the government will continue to do that until the morning of May 29.”
When he was asked to mention some of the terms of reference of the incoming government’s transition committee that the outgoing government was not comfortable with, Sulaiman asked journalists to go and do their investigation.
He warned that Jonathan’s magnanimity should not be taken as a sign of cowardice.
“The magnanimity of ‎Mr. President should not be taken to be cowardice.
“That is why Mr. President and indeed council members enjoined Nigerians to see the olive branch extended to Nigerians and international community as a way of keeping this country intact and as a way of ensuring peace in Nigeria.
“As such, whatever the outcome of the election, what is important is Nigeria’s national interest. And that national interest should be protected, enhanced and promoted at whatever level we are.
The  All Progressives Congress has said alleged corrupt practices of the Peoples Democratic Party-led Federal Government are responsible for the nonpayment of workers in Osun State for the past six months.
The spokesperson of the APC in Osun State, Mr. Kunle Oyatomi, said this in a statement made available to our correspondent in Osogbo on Wednesday.
He, however, appealed to the workers to exercise more patience over the salaries issue, while promising that the problem would soon be resolved in less than two months.
The party stated that President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, had promised that he would look into the allocation coming to states immediately after his inauguration on May 29th.
The ruling party in the state assured  that Governor Rauf Aregbesola would do whatever was within his capacity to ameliorate the suffering occasioned by nonpayment of salary.
The statement read,  “The long and difficult battle to defeat the forces of evil that have squandered the nation’s wealth has just ‎been won comprehensively. This has now paved the way for a new, progressive and responsible APC government to take over the affairs of the country and end the suffering which PDP’s corruption, mismanagement and treasury looting have brought on Nigerians including workers in the state of Osun.
“This is a pleasant transition moment that requires sober, intelligent and calculating responses from all stakeholders in the state of Osun, so that we do not turn victory into sorrow by engaging in actions that will create more problems than solutions.
“Alhaji Mohammadu Buhari has promised to solve this problem, it is our duty to exercise patience and trust the integrity of the new President to deliver on his promise.”
“Labour   and civil servants should give the new leader a breathing space to demonstrate his integrity and progressive credentials, which is not in dispute, except in the evil consciousness of the PDP leadership in the state.”
He called on all workers and labour leaders to give peace a chance to enable Aregbesola return the state to the era when he used to pay workers’ salaries before the end of the month.
A Federal High Court in Lagos on Wednesday struck out an application seeking fresh investigations into the murder of a late governorship aspirant in Lagos, Funsho Williams.
Justice Rita Ofili-Ajumogobia, who struck out the application for want of diligent prosecution, also awarded a cost of N25,000  against the applicant, Bashir Junaid, a cemetary attendant.
Junaid is to pay the money to the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General of the Federation, who had asked the court to strike out the matter with cost against the applicant.
Williams, an aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, was on July 27, 2006 strangled to death at his residence, 34A Corporation Drive, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos.
A Lagos State High Court in Igbosere had, on June 30, 2014,  discharged six men charged with the murder of the late PDP stalwart.
The six men – Bulama Kolo, Musa Maina, David Cassidy, Tunani Sonani, Mustapha Kayode and Okponwasa Imariebie – were freed after eight years by Justice Ebenezer Adebajo (retd.), who held that the prosecution failed to establish a prima facie case against them.
Junaid filed the fresh application seeking an order of mandamus compelling the Inspector General of Police to re-open investigations into Williams’ assassination with the hope of possible fresh trial.
In the suit marked FHC/L/CS/137/14, Junaid had fingered as a prime suspect, a former Governor of Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, against whom the late Williams had run for the office of Lagos Governor before his brutal killing.
Also listed as defendants were the All Progressives Congress legal adviser, Dr. Muiz Banire; Mr. Bаbаtundе Edu; Mr. Dele Alаkе,  Mrѕ.Mоduре Shasore аnd Olаdеlе Ajоmаlе.
Others were the Inspector General of Police, the Attorney General of Lagos State and the Lagos Commissioner of Police.
Junaid, who was arrested and detained by the police during preliminary investigation into williams’ death, was seeking compensation for exemplary damages in the sum of N5bn оvеr his alleged illеgаl dеtеntiоn аnd psychological trаumа.
Junaid, in his 48-роint ѕtаtеmеnt оf сlаim, alleged that the police disregarded his freely made statement, which could have assisted to unravel Williams’ killers.
He claimed that the concrete evidence that he tendered were diѕсаrdеd bу thе Fеdеrаl Central Invеѕtigаtiоnѕ Dераrtmеnt, Alagbon, Lagos.
Junaid, who  alleged that Tinubu used his influence with the police to exonerated himself, equally accused the police of compromise by allegedly  allowing Banire to change his statement after he had been cautioned.
When the matter was called in court on Wednesday, the plaintiff’s counsel, Miss O. Benjamin, referring to an earlier order made by the court, said, “My Lord, the matter is for mention today, unfortunately, we’ve not been able to obtain the order as we were told that the court is ill.”
But Ofili-Ajumogobia, who did not take kindly to the comment,  replied, “None of the staff can tell you that the court is ill, because I have never been ill in this division. What kind of illness will make the order not to be signed? A copy of the order is in the file, why would you not come to court and ask for your order? This and such utterances will not be condoned.”
In his own reaction, the counsel for the police IG and the AGF, K. Uwandu, urged the court to strike out the matter for want of diligent prosecution and to award N50,000 cost against the plaintiff.
Also responding, counsel for the 9th defendant, M. Olawoye, equally asked the court to strike the matter out for lack of diligent prosecution, but the counsel did not ask for cost.
Ofili-Ajumogobia, in a bench ruling held, “This matter is struck out for want of diligent prosecution. I award N25,000 cost in favour of the 1st and 4th defendants. I make no order as to cost for the 8th and 9th defendants as the counsel did not specify a definite sum.”

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Real Madrid are without Gareth Bale and Karim Benzema for the Champions League second leg against Atletico Madrid.
Manchester United defender Chris Smalling has agreed a new contract with the club until June 2019.
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A pro-con list is usually the place to start when it comes to tough decisions. These lists are nothing new, but here’s an interesting way to make them more useful: quantify every item on the list, then add it all up.

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Most big-name web services like Gmail, Microsoft, Evernote, WordPress and Dropbox now support 2-step authentication to improve the security of your online accounts. Once you enable two-factor authentication, a malicious person will not be able to log into your online account even if they know the password – they’ll need access to your mobile phone as well to get in.
The verification codes required for logging into a 2-step enabled account can be generated either using a mobile app – like Authy or Google Authenticator – or you can have them sent to your mobile phone via a text message or a voice call. The latter option however will not work if the mobile phone associated with your account is outside the coverage area (like when you are in a foreign country).
There’s another option that makes the process of logging into a 2-factor enabled account Google less cumbersome. Instead of generating the verification codes on a mobile phone,  you can use a hardware based authenticator that can be inserted into a USB port on your computer and you’ll be signed-in automatically without having to hand-type the digits.
The option works for both Google and Google Apps accounts and you don’t even need the mobile phone – watch video demo.

Google 2-factor Authentication Simplified

I am using the least-expensive Yubico key though there are more options to choose from. The first stop is to associate the USB security key with your Google Account. Go to, click on 2-step verification and then switch to the Security Keys tab. Here click the Register Device button and then insert the USB key into the computer to attach it to your account.
Once registered, you can use your USB security key to log into your Google Account from any other desktop or laptop computer without requiring the mobile phone. Simply open the Google login page, type in your username & password, click the Sign-in button and then insert the USB key. The lights will blink on the device, you need to tap it once and it will instantly log you into the account.
The USB security keys require no software and they are compatible with Windows, Mac, Chrome OS and Linux computers. They need no batteries, they are tiny like a regular USB thumb drive but also rigid. You can also associate multiple Google Accounts with the same USB key which can be a huge timesaver for some users.
USB Security Keys make 2-factor authentication painless but you can only use them inside Google Chrome on desktop and laptop computers. You’ll still have to rely on SMS messages, or the authenticator app, for logging into Google on your mobile phones or in browsers like Firefox and Opera (download video).
USB Security Key for Google Accounts

The story, Protect your Google Accounts with a USB Security Key, was originally published at Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal on 21/04/2015 under Google, Security, Internet.
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Many popular sights (often religious ones) have strict dress codes for visitors. Make sure your outfit isn’t the reason you miss out on your top travel sites by checking the dress code beforehand.



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