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Wednesday 28 January 2015

Available for Download and in Paperback at: adeola sanusi adeola sanusi
A Woman in Need is written by an author with intelligent and an independent mind who manipulates the English Language with such dexterity that one starts to wonder if he had his training in a British School.
There are lots of moral lessons to be learnt in the novel as the author has cleverly discussed young women caught in the trap of polygamy just because of filthy lucre. But Ngozi became an exceptional, kind, hardworking and a moral example to all, even as she is a lesson in sophistication. The book is therefore very suitable for all students of literature.
Alhaji Y. A. Kareem
Principal, Senior Secondary School
Moslem Comprehensive High School, Ijebu- Ode,
February, 2010.

As a youth developer and a dynamic moral teacher, I feel thrilled reading this book. I recommend that our Ladies read and realize that all actions and behaviours have contributing effect on adulthood and nature has a way of dealing with situations.

Dr.Ayokunlemi Oshin- Idowu.
Executive Director
Beauty for Ashes Organization
Ilese-Ijebu. Ogun State.

 A Woman in Need is a masterpiece of simplicity. Reading through, one perceives it as either an Autobiography or a Biography, yet the novel is neither. The simple fact of the matter is that this literary piece is true to life. Every event therein is relevant to the contemporary life of a typical human being, a Nigerian to be precise.
                Whoever cares to read this book will not regret the action, rather the reader will add to whatever knowledge he already has, as the novel is full of life experiences. It is in the book that the loved suddenly becomes the hater and the hated. Loyalty suddenly becomes betrayal and hope is suddenly dashed. The man is confused and is at the crossroads. He loses ALL he has. He is jilted and dumped by his lover, lost his only child and no job in sight!
                The novel takes a reader through journey by various means of transportation; air, rail, and road. It takes a reader to the various tribes, religions and culture of Nigeria. Through the book also, the reader feels the pains of the poor, deprived, oppressed and humiliated. The reader also feels the gains of the rich, opportunist, affluent, wanted and influential.
                The cross becomes a burden too heavy to bear before fortune provides him with the key…he meets a woman in need.
All these, Lateef Adeola Sanusi tries to blend in this very great work of art. Though this book is a novel, (prose) it has elements of drama and poetry which makes it total literature.
This novel is recommended for everybody that has life and is living it. For the old, especially the Elites, it replays your youthful days as it brings good memories of the past.
For the middle aged; the experience of the novel can re-direct your life. For the young, you definitely need to read this novel, as reading it may equip you with the experiences you need to cope with the “maddening society”. For the Youth Corp Members, (NYSC) this novel is specially recommended for you. Bala, the hero of the novel is your contemporary, hence you stand to gain a lot from his experience.
The novel is suitable and therefore recommended- For both sexes as both sexes will apportion blames to Bala or Linda.
There is no gain saying that the author has painstakingly composed and written a good literary piece. For this I sincerely congratulate him for a thorough job.
To the readers, the taste of the pudding is in the eating. Please read on!

Alhaji A.M. Olubajo
Principal General,
Teaching service Commission (TSC),
Ijebu Division.
Ogun State, Nigeria.
February, 2010.

Available online in EBook And Paperback adeola sanusi

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